Craigslist is basically an American company who classifieds the advertisements. This site has several sections that are especially dedicated to jobs or household items or any items for sale or any services, forums related discussions and lots more. Back in the year 1995, the founders of the Craigslist website Craig Newmark start this excellent website based on company to provide services to the people. The services are extended in many cities of the United States in the year 2000 and have now spread in over 70 countries.

Talking about sites like Craigslist Best Craigslist there are many alternatives websites. And you can choose them as the replacement of the website where you can put ads or sell or purchase items. Just like in craigslist on the similar websites you can sell things for free or buy and do lots more things. With the increase in the growth of the world of e-commerce many other sites has gained popularity and are known for its service. From many years on wards Craigslist has been serving people worldwide by providing their best services. But it is always great to try something new and different apart from the regular services that you receive. Here are some of the similar websites like Crag list. You will be getting the similar services from these sites like that of craigslist which are really appealing.
Best Sites Like Craigslist As An Alternative To Buy or Sell:
Without any doubt Oodle is the top most alternatives website of Craigslist available in this list. With the help of the social media platform,“Ooodle” is reinventing the online classifieds. It provides the every need of the consumers belonging to different region of the country by giving services like marketplace to buy stuffs or sell and do trade of many things. The network which is perhaps operated by Oodle handles a network of online marketplace which has over 15 million of active users from worldwide. This website “” is mainly operated and handled by Oodle Holdings, LLC. Currently the services are available in several countries which include the United States, Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand and United Kingdom. Here you can get car rentals at some reasonable amount, buy or sell car, book flights or hotel tickets and look for jobs as well. Search the entire marketplace by using the sear bar in the website of Oodle only you need to do is type the name of the services that you seek. Find out any services just like you used to get in Craigslist and in a much better ways than ever.
Locanto is a free classifieds website which is similar like that of Craigslist. They provide services in all the major cities of the U.S and it is the best place to post an ad for free with no charges. Browse the whole section of free classifies that is available in the website of Locanto. Here you can find out the best car for rentals or buy second hand and sell your old car at the best prices. And this is some of the reason why Locanto provides a local marketplace in the place of the nationwide classifieds. Speaking of the categories included they are classes, personals, pets, vehicles and lots more. They also provide job and carrier building opportunities allowing you to start your carrier at the best. The best thing about locanto is you can post an ad on it in a very simple way which is real easy. And the ad which you have posted at Locanto will be live for duration of 60 days and will reach to huger number of viewers or audiences. Upload a picture or you can make the use of HTML codes into this website and post sell anything online.
The idea of setting up a classified ads website of Gumtree all begin way back in the year 2000. This website was built in an intention to provide search place to live when you are out of your town. It also provides you job opportunities to the people who are in need to earn a good living and settle down. You can get the services of Guntree with the help of mobile apps as they available for both iOS and Android device. You can here buy a car and apart from that you can look for the best deals and grab good furniture’s at best price. In the website of Gumtree you can search and discover several thousands of Ads and get the best deals on car. Also, you can sell items by uploading the best quality photos of the items and provide a description along with. The best thing about the local classifieds is that it gives you an opportunity to buy and sell things and earn a good amount of money for living.
USFreeads is perhaps the best place to post a classified ad and it is very easy to post on it. It was established back in the year 1999 and it has been proving classified services till present. This website has over 50 classified ads websites providing you an option to view classified ads for the citizens of the United States of America. The best thing about placing an ad on the USFreeads website, and the advantage is it will be placed on a list of 50 local websites including in the page of the USFreeads. Pet lovers you can visit this website as here more than 100 people comes for dog sales by adding ads every day. Are you one of those who love to buy or sell dog then visit the dog classified section in the website of USFreeads by today. The categories of the services available in this website are toys, real estate, electronics, sports, pets, health and fitness, etc. Also, check on the just viewed section to get sneak peek and discover what people are viewing currently on USFreeads.
To get the best local value and deals to sell or buy any items this is a must visit website. PennySaver is another sites that is similar to Craiglist and is considered as the best alternatives websites. It has huge section of classifieds which includes cars, foods, real estate, job and many other services. pennySaver helps you in building your business by attracting large number of audience or customers by posting excellent ads. They have the best marketing solutions that you are seeking for making sure that the customer gets the right solution. Post online classified Ads of Apartments or puppies or car sales or Smartphones and many more. Speaking of the existence of PennySaver it has been there at service for over 50 years and has been doing good in print media and in the world of digital media as well. Each month over 1 million of people visits the website of PennySaver and gets satisfactory results in its services.
For getting free or paid ads services ADLAND Pro is the best choice for you. The business of ADLAND was started from the year 1996, and is known for providing excellent classified Ads services to its audience or customers. The most interesting part of this website is you can either go free services or choose the paid advertising services to get more facilities. Visit this site to get the complete solution from small business to home entrepreneurs at its best. Also, it is the right platform for those who are interesting in giving free promotion or ads or anything related to marketing and networking as well. They work by fulfilling their needs and then return the favor again to the ads providers by buying the product or giving services. Speaking of the quality of services given at ADLAND Pro you can expect high-quality advertisements. Discover the sale items or buy pets and then get online lesion or earn job opportunities in this website.
Geebo is a free and classified Ads website where you can find jobs or apartments and discover homes for sale. It is a platform for all kinds of service providers from the United States of America. This website is perhaps best place for placing several ads and is completely safe place to search for advertisements. And the list of the services includes automotive or financial services or training opportunities and lots more services. By using the search bar you can look for several types of categories rentals, employment, real state, vehicles, etc. The only thing that makes this website unique is that the entire ads is managed and approved by human being. And this means that there is no involvement of a robot or no touch of algorithm. The region where the services are provided by Geebo at the moment is in the place of the U.S, San Diego, Chicago, Boston, Washington DC and other states of the United States.
USA TODAY is a platform where you can read news or collect necessary information of the media company. It is an online source to search and discover several items providing best services to the audience. One of the most popular print and digital media based on website which has more than 100 millions of visitors each day. This company was founded back in the year 1982 and the goals is to provide service as a forum to provide important details to the audience and makes USA a better nation. The ads provided through USA TODAY website is intended to reach the consumers and needs person of the whole nation. It is the best place for those who especially involves in activities like products and the branded items. USA TODAY is classifieds into several categories which includes automotive, marketplace, real estates, business, travel and lots more. And whichever ads is posted in this site will reach and seen by millions of users nationwide and worldwide.
OLX is free service website and brings to you excellent classified ads services. It is India’s largest classified market and is most popular among the people across the country. All the available users of OLX are 100% legit, no fake people or frauds sellers is registered with OLX. This website serves to more than millions of people nationwide proving its best services for posting free advertisements. It is a place where one can sell their used Smartphones or Laptops or furniture or any other items. And it is not necessary to create an account for submitting ads and it is totally free. This is most probably the best place to buy the things instead of going to stores at low rates. Start looking for a property or buy used vehicles or pets or furniture or get the information of job and lots more. By using the OLX App on your iPhone device you can use it in a coolest way for selling or buying things. To start selling items here all you need to do is take a high-quality of picture and post it within 30 seconds. Contact with your sellers by sending them a text message or you can call at the contact number which they have provided into their OLX account profile. Here you can find almost every item from cars to furniture and toys for kids and musical instruments, etc.
Offer Up
One of the simplest ways to purchase things and sell them locally is through Offer Up. Visit the official website to check on the best deals that are available nearby your place and get furniture’s or electronics or cars at best price. You can also download app by offer Up on your selected device which is either Android or iOS device. Send the sellers messages immediately for making deals and negotiate the price or set a meeting for fixing the selling or buying deals. Here in this website you can sell any of your used personal things by uploading photos in a less time itself. By joining the biggest marketplace to buy and sell electronics or house or toys people joins offer up every day. The best thing about “Offer Up” is that here you can buy or sell items within 30 seconds which is real fast. Start to look for best deals and less price on clothes or electronics at discount rates in this website. And to find the great items deals always make sure to check on the ratings or profiles information of the seller to check whether it is good or not. Keep on checking the local items posts and stay touch with updates, if there is any for sale or not at affordable or cheap rates. And most importantly, if you are a seller you will have to build your reputation into your profile account page of the site. Create a connection with millions of users from any countries who are in need of the ads services.
Let Go
Some one of you might already start to feel old the moment you pay visit in Let Go Site. Most of the items from clothes to furniture is old for you but is new for someone else especially rare to be found vintage items. It has more than 74 millions of customers from the nation and is perhaps the world fastest local selling websites. Here anyone can become a seller and upload a list of photos of letgo is available in the form of mobile app which is design with friendly user-interface and is easy to operate. Find out almost anything here from Xbox to antique piece items by making nearby search and contact the sellers. In this way, you can easily sell any items and earn money without making much of effort going here and there to sell anything. To contact with the sellers you can send them a text messages in a private conversations and buy from them. To purchase products there are several categories of items for sale that include electronics, musical instruments and lots more. Post any items for sale by uploading your photos in less than 30 seconds and sell them instantly. And the most interesting about letgo app is you can share the details information in WhatsApp or any other social media by sending a product item link.
"10 day ads" is another website that is similar to Craigslist. It is a classified ads site where you can either sell or buy items. With the help of this website you can reach over millions of buyers or sellers from the worldwide. List the name of the items that you wish to sell by uploading photo and item description in this website. There are no such things as charges or anything like final value fee for listing the selling items. But remember the ads posted in this website will be available only for 10 days and then it will be removed. Speaking of the categories of the items available is like Antiques, electronic appliances, fashion and lots more. And if there is ads which is outdated it will be removed completely from this website.
If you wish to get a great lifestyle then visit trovit and purchase property, card and get a job. Here you will find over thousands of sites ads by making one simple search. It is the best way to discover apartments or cars to buy and sell in a less time. Find out the apartments of your dreams and make your life interesting like anything else before. Make a filter search to find out the perfect house location, design and size you are looking for to buy like in your dreams. Turn on the notifications for get alerts of the ads whenever anything any house deals is available in the website.
Looking for a free classified ads site then you must visit the site ClassifiedAds. It is perhaps a free classified ads where you can sell cars or buy and look for the jobs as well. And speaking of this website it is free to use there is no charges required for it. This means that, you can post any ads easily without making any payments for it and list the items as you wanted to. The product that is sold in this website is safe to use and no involvement of any fraud acts which means it is risk free.
Bookoo is a local and free place for buying or selling old items. Talking about the setup of this it shares some similarities with that of Craigslist and includes no shipping charges or ads post charge. It has huge categories of items, make search of the items that you are looking for and select the item to purchase. To start selling items in this website you will have to create an account which will be “unlimitedaccount” and start to make list of items you wish to sell. Earn money by selling old items to others buyers in a less time.
Always remember that, before you buy or sell anything online make sure you are selling things to the right person. At many time, the buyers or sellers might be involved doing bad activities for that reason you have to inquiry whether they are involved with criminal activities or not. Selling or buying items which includes cars, vehicles, electronic appliances is easy and safe to use. So, these are the list of 15 sites with full information that is the best alternatives websites of Craigslist. When you receive the used items it is your duty to check it whether everything works ok or not. To avoid fraud acts always check your items before you deliver money to the seller. We are telling you, as you might end up losing only money but get nothing in return.